Ferring Statement on Minirin®/Octostim®/DDAVP®/Stimate® (desmopressin) Nasal Spray
Saint-Prex, Switzerland – 05 June 2024 – Minirin® (desmopressin) Nasal Spray 0.1 mg/ml room temperature stable (RTS)/ Octostim®(desmopressin) Nasal Spray 1.5 mg/ml/ DDAVP® (desmopressin acetate, 10 mcg/0.1 mL)/ Stimate® (desmopressin acetate, 1.5 mg/1 mL) Nasal Spray/ Generic Desmopressin Acetate (10 mcg/0.1mL) Nasal Spray – Recall and Production Hold Statement.
Following the detection of out-of-specification results during testing, in 2020 Ferring initiated a precautionary voluntary global recall of all batches of the following products:
- Minirin® (desmopressin) Nasal Spray 0.1 mg/ml room temperature stable (RTS) formulation
- Octostim® (desmopressin) Nasal Spray 1.5 mg/ml
Following investigation, the root cause of the out-of-specification results was identified as a tightness issue with the primary packaging materials.
To resolve this issue, new machinery was introduced in our manufacturing facility in June 2023, and a new assembly process designed. Validation batches were successfully manufactured in Q4 2023 for both products, and placed on stability. Pending successful stability results, Ferring expects to submit the variation application to the European and US regulatory authorities in Q3 and Q4 of 2024, respectively. We anticipate regulatory submissions in the rest of the world to follow in due course.
Ferring is committed to ensuring that our medicines adhere to the highest quality standards for our patients, and to working with health authorities to ensure alternatives for patients. Any patients or caregivers with concerns or questions about treatment alternatives should immediately contact their treating physician.
US and Canada
If you are based in the United States, please call our Medical Information line at 1-888-FERRING (1-888-337-7464) to discuss your question. You can also email MedQueriesUS@ferring.com. If you are based in Canada, please contact info@ferring.com with your question and share your contact telephone number so that a member of the local team can contact you.
If you are based in Europe, please contact info@ferring.com with your question and share your contact telephone number so that a member of your local team can contact you.
If you are based in India, please contact medicaldesk.india@ferring.com and share your question and contact telephone number so that a member of the local team can contact you. If you are based in other locations in Asia-Pacific, please contact info@ferring.com with your question and share your contact telephone number so that a member of the local team can contact you.
Latin America
If you are based in Latin America, please contact info@ferring.com with your question and share your contact telephone number so that a member of the local team can contact you.
Middle East and Africa
If you are based in the Middle East or Africa, please email info@ferring.com with your question and share your contact telephone number so that a member of the local team can contact you.